Non invasive technologies for the psycho-physical well-being of the person


Winform Group designs and produces medical devices for the non-invasive medicine market since 30 years.

We offer our Customers a wide range of technologies such as: Laser, Shockwave, Ultrasound and Tecar always combined with high titration phytocompound therapy.

Since 1993

on the non-invasive medicine front line.


Our mission is to better the psycho-physical wellbeing of the person: our products are designed studying the pathology, in order to offer an effective, innovative but most of all non-invasive therapy, thus mantaining the attention on the quality of life of the person.

Winform in the world

Right now Winform
is present in 3 continents,
in 13 states:

Spain, Portugal, Hungary, Croatia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Poland, Iran, Indonesia, Vietnam, Algeria, India.


Our Brands

Winform Medical Engineering

Winform Medical Engineering designs and produces medical devices for the rehabilitative and aesthetic medicine markets.

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Contains every high titration phytocompound for different medical branches: sport medicine, physiatry, orthopedy, gynechology, aesthetic medicine and dermatology.

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Provides solutions for the professionals of the beauty field with a range of beauty devices and phytocompounds derived from the medical field.

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